Crofton Junior School

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Crofton Junior School

Respect Nurture Inspire

  1. School Life

Life as a pupil at Crofton Junior School

See below to read a snapshot of life at our school by some of our pupils.

Our learning

As a pupil of Crofton Junior School, it is important to take responsibility for our own learning so that we understand what we have to do and allow others to learn as well. There are a range of different lessons that we take part in, which can involve communicating with others or working independently. We have English and Maths most mornings. Some of our curriculum is based around a book or text driver, which we read in class on a daily basis. Our text driver  changes every term; currently Year 6 are reading 'Who Let the Gods Out?'  


In the afternoon we have lessons such as Computing, Design Technology, RE, PE and many others. Sometimes we have out of school activities such as swimming or educational visits, which are really well organised, fun and help us to learn interesting things. For example, in Year 6 we have had the opportunity to go to Laval in France and visit such places as Mont St Michel and the Bayeux Tapestry. We also have special teachers who come into school for subjects such as music and PE.



We have a special learning event every year for all year groups know as 'Inspire.' During Inspire mornings we are able to work with our parents or relatives for three hours on a project that we do together, usually it is based on our English text driver. Before the main task, there is also a presentation; this year it has been to help us learn about online safety. There are lots of resources to choose from to help us with our main task; this year we made our own dream paradise and Greek God. 


The morning finishes with an assembly followed by our parents or relatives having the opportunity to stay and have lunch with us afterwards, which is prepared by the dinner ladies and is delicious.



The classrooms are both welcoming and stimulating. In our classrooms our teachers put different things on the working walls to help us learn such as key vocabulary and punctuation. There are also numeracy displays to support our learning in maths. Working walls help us to remember what we have been doing; we find them useful..


The classroom is very well organised, for example, I have a drawer in my desk where I put my important equipment and reading book; I take my reading book home every evening. The teachers always display our work around the classroom and the displays in school are fantastic. I feel very proud that some of my work has been displayed.


Each classroom has a cloakroom area where we keep our coats and bags. Our classroom doors open at 8:40am every morning and we come in and get on with our early bird task straight away, which the teachers have set for us. Some mornings this might be a correction or challenge from a subject that we did the day before or sometimes it can just be reading our school reading books. It helps us get in the mood for our learning.



Homework is set on Fridays and must be completed by the following Thursday evening. Every week we read at home at least three times, learn our spellings and practise our times tables on a program called Timestable Rockstars. In Year 6, we also do additional arithmetic and comprehension work.  


If we read three times each week and our parents sign our online record Boom Reader App we earn team points. 


At some point  during the year, there is also a homework project to complete. For example, Year 6 are asked to build an amphitheatre or coliseum from resources of our own choice.



Here at Crofton Junior School, we have many awards that the pupils can achieve, such as: times table badges, owls, shields, specials and wall of fame. The best award is the platinum wall of fame when you receive a plaque with your name on it and it is placed in the school hall. We have to earn 130 team points to receive each new award.


To earn these rewards, you must collect team points for great work, contributing, being ready to learn and for being kind and polite to everyone in and out of school. The team points that you earn also contribute to other things such as the team rewards. The teams are red, yellow, blue and green. Every half term the team with the most points will receive a treat such as an outdoor activity or a movie depending upon what the team captain and vice-captain choose.

Lunch Time

At lunch time, if it is indoor or outdoor play, we always have lots of fun. If it is outside, the dinner ladies blow a whistle and hold up a card with a class name on it.  School dinners are delicious; there are a variety of different hot and cold meals each day of the week to choose from when we arrive in school or from home if we prefer. Each day, there is a hot meal, vegetarian meal, sandwich and jacket potato option so there is plenty for everyone.


Every alternate week, we get the opportunity to use the playground where the 'mugga' is located. In the mugga, we are allowed to play football, basketball and netball. We choose a coloured bib to indicate which team we are playing on. Dinner ladies supervise in case anyone injures themselves when playing.



At 2:50pm on most days, we have an assembly. They are led by teachers in school or occasionally different visitors. Assemblies give us important messages about things that are going on in the world today and important information in the local community. For example, in November we had an Remembrance Day assembly and most of us bought poppies. We sometimes sing in assembly, which everyone likes to join in with. Sometimes assemblies are about charity, for example Odd Socks Day or Children In Need.


On a Friday at 2:45pm, we get to see who has been working hard in their lessons. This is our praise assembly where all the awards are presented and we celebrate the achievements of others together. We also celebrate school attendance; the class with the highest weekly attendance earn £5 to spend at the end of the year.

On Wednesday, instead of assembly, we have Buddy Reading. This is where a pupil in Year 3 reads to a Year 5 buddy and Year 4 pupil reads to a Year 6 buddy.

After-School Clubs

We have a variety of different clubs to choose from, which change throughout the year. This year we have been able to join choir, running club and board game club. We have lots of fun whichever club we choose to join. Parent / carers can pay for their child's chosen club on Parentpay.


Inter-school Competitions

We get the opportunity to compete against children in other schools in sports competitions such as football, rugby, cross-country and basketball. We also take part in a Spelling Bee at the Academy. We all really like taking part in the competitions!



In our school, we all help each other out. If you have any worries or concerns, you can tell any member of staff, the Head Boy or Head Girl and school council. We also have Mrs Charles who is our Learning Mentor. She is always there to help solve any problems or worries which we may have put into our class Worry Box or Ask it Basket and we also have a worry button that can be accessed on the school's website.